



在這個幾乎一半人口居住在農村地區的國家,摩洛哥的城市吸引了國際遊客的最大關注。Fez和Marrakesh無疑是最著名的,也是最引人注目的摩洛哥傳統生活圖像。如果不花一些時間在他們中,就不會訪問該國。但是盡管如此,我最喜歡的摩洛哥城市中心也不是很棒。那是拉巴特。這座城市的現代部分是由第一任法國居民休伯特·萊阿特(Hubert Lyautey)構想的,但與建築師和城市規劃師Henri Prost建造。目的是將政治重點從內政部(Fez,Marrakesh和Meknes)的傳統首都轉移到大西洋海岸,從而使摩洛哥政府的中心更容易被西方及其思想訪問,並且不太容易受到破壞的影響,並且不容易受到破壞。內部部落力量。拉巴特(Rabat)的緊湊型市中心,其20世紀初期的建築設計可能同樣可以在法國南部或南歐其他地方的任何地方。Lyautey和Prost堅持這座現代城市與古老的傳統麥地那之間的明顯分離,從而在傳統圍牆城市的所有摩洛哥城市中心中都顯而易見,與現代歐洲隔開。 The resident general justified his decision on the grounds that it would preserve traditional arts, crafts, and practices, which it did, but at the cost of creating two distinct worlds which later critics interpreted as the imposition of a colonial apartheid. Similar thinking led the fiercely Roman Catholic Lyaytey to ban Christians from entering mosques – a prohibition later adopted by independent Morocco and honored (with the colossal Hassan II mosque in Casablanca the sole exception) to the present day.


Rabat’s link with Europe is by no means new and evidence of it abounds in the city, whose signature landmark, the Tour Hassan, was built by a twelfth century ruler who presided over a domain that included Andalucía and much of North Africa all the way south to the Sahara and beyond. The tower stands guard over the mausoleum of Sultan Mohammed V, widely seen by Moroccans as the father of the independent nation. Every time I visit this site, I am struck by at the number of Moroccans, and especially Moroccan families, who come there. The monarchy enjoys a position of respect in the country similar to the situation in Great Britain and this burial place, not only of Mohammed V, but of his son, Hassan II, who ruled the country from his father’s death in the 1960s until his own in the 1990s, is a vivid reminder of the ongoing prestige (and power) the institution enjoys.

塔樓和陵墓都站在俯瞰布雷格河的高原上,最近是巨大複興的焦點。十年前,參觀拉巴特姐妹城市薩萊的最直接方法是由一支船夫的一支船隊劃船。他們走了;他們的前貝利威克現在是遊艇的碼頭。在下遊不到一英裏的地方,河流在一群沙洲附近排空進入大西洋,曾經有助於保護其河岸免受歐洲海軍船隻的侵害,以追捕所謂的薩萊史的迅速而難以捉摸的海盜船,其受害者的受害者包括丹尼爾·迪福(Daniel Defoe)。如今,幾乎沒有任何旅遊訪問薩雷(Salé1930年代。Driving back across the river on the bridge carries not only vehicular traffic, but also the carriages of the light railway that now serves Rabat and its suburbs, including Salé – another recent addition to the cityscape – serves as a reminder of Rabat’s constant evolution, which values heritage, history, and progress in equal measures.



非洲肯尼斯·珀金斯(Kenneth Perkins)摩洛哥摩洛哥的輝煌

肯尼斯·珀金斯(Kenneth Perkins)

肯尼斯·珀金斯(Kenneth Perkins)獲得了碩士學位和博士學位。普林斯頓大學的中東研究。他是南卡羅來納大學的曆史教授,自1974年以來就一直在該教師任職,並在伊斯蘭時代教授伊斯蘭文明,北非和中東的曆史以及美國與中東的關係的課程。珀金斯博士經常是中東和北非的旅行者,在突尼斯,阿爾及利亞,摩洛哥,法國,英國和蘇丹進行了學術研究。他是QAIDS,上尉和結腸:1844- 1934年殖民地Maghrib的法國軍事管理;蘇丹港:殖民城市的演變;突尼斯:伊斯蘭和歐洲世界的十字路口;和現代突尼斯的曆史;以及許多文章,書籍章節,書評,百科全書和其他參考條目。他目前正在研究一本書,研究1870年至1939年北非西方旅行者對西方旅行者的社會,經濟和政治影響。
