

While most of our European river cruises accommodate between 120-140 travelers, on our French upscale canal cruiser we’ll take a maximum of just 22 participants in 9 cabins, plus your Smithsonian Journeys Expert, Smithsonian Journeys Travel Director, and the ship’s crew to assist you. While our larger river cruises cover longer stretches of river and move at faster speeds and many times visiting several European countries, our canal cruiser moves at a much slower pace. And because of the barge’s small size, we’ll visit small waterways inaccessible to the larger river vessels which allow even greater immersion into the region. While our larger river ships have been compared to deluxe hotels with more amenities and greater choice, our barge cruise can be compared more to a manor house, with a distinct character, familial ambiance and more intimate and attentive service.

推出於2016年,Deborah女士是一家22屆運河駁船風格的巡洋艦,將帶您入​​住迷人的運河側城鎮和村莊的中心地帶。早餐和午餐品嚐法國美食,享用午餐和晚餐時享用啤酒,葡萄酒或軟飲料的區域特色菜和奶酪。晚餐用一個設置的菜單鍍,但是,可以容納膳食限製。每天結束時,返回舒適的客艙,設有帶淋浴的現代化浴室。無線網絡連接是免費的,但在旅途中,可以在某些時間限製。所有小屋麵向外麵,包括桌麵,個別氣候控製,個人安全和行李寄存,具有上麵的床頭板存儲和床上的USB端口。主甲板上的小屋由螺旋樓梯進入,船上沒有電梯服務。每間客艙都有兩張單人床,固定在地板上(意味著夫妻隊需要睡覺)和一個帶凳子的小桌。有一個帶有充足的衣服的衣櫃。電壓為220伏(僅限歐式插頭),一個有兩個USB端口。 While most of the TV channels are French, you can get English news channels such as CNN and the BBC. Enjoy breakfasts at leisure and casual single seating for lunches and dinners. The upper deck includes the dining room, a small bar area, lounge with picture windows and a sliding glass door that opens to a charming outdoor area with café tables and a Jacuzzi. Lectures and discussions will be held in the lounge most evenings. The sun deck has umbrellas and lounge chairs to read and take in the scenery.